Rough Amethyst

56 products

56 products
53.18 Grams Facet Rough Purple African Amethyst
$150.00 USD
16.96 Grams Natural Raw Untreated Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
16.96 Grams Natural Raw Untreated Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
16.96 Grams Natural Raw Untreated Amethyst
$110.00 USD
16.53 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
16.53 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
16.53 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale
$120.00 USD
16.54 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
16.54 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
16.54 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale
$120.00 USD
18.90 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
18.90 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
18.90 Grams Facet Rough Natural Amethyst For Sale
$135.00 USD
20.1 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
20.1 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
20.1 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst For Sale
$120.00 USD
16.67 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
16.67 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst For Sale - Noble Gemstones®
16.67 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst For Sale
$120.00 USD
14.60 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
14.60 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
14.60 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst
$90.00 USD
14.10 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
14.10 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
14.10 Grams Facet Rough Untreated Amethyst
$90.00 USD
28.88 Grams Facet Rough Purplish Brazilian Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
28.88 Grams Facet Rough Purplish Brazilian Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
28.88 Grams Facet Rough Purplish Brazilian Amethyst
$160.00 USD
37.65 Grams Facet Rough African Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
37.65 Grams Facet Rough African Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
37.65 Grams Facet Rough African Amethyst
$160.00 USD
125 Grams Facet Rough Purple African Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
125 Grams Facet Rough Purple African Amethyst - Noble Gemstones®
125 Grams Facet Rough Purple African Amethyst
$200.00 USD


Rough amethyst is a beautiful gemstone that is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any outfit. This versatile gemstone can be worn on its own or paired with other jewelry to create a fashionable and unique look. Whether you're looking for a special gift for someone special or want to add a little something extra to your wardrobe, check out our selection of rough amethyst gems. We guarantee that you'll find the perfect gem for your needs! Rough amethyst gems are cut into cabochons, broken stones with bumpy surfaces. The rough is then sliced and polished to reveal the many colors of this beautiful gemstone.

It provides an immediate addictive look and it has very good economic value for jewelry and creating such arts as murals or jewelry. Due to their durability and extreme resistance, Rough Amethysts can be suitable for practical applications like building materials, metalwork, etc., but are also made in fine jewelry according to various decoration schemes ( faceted pieces ). These characteristics explain why during Roman times rough Amethysts were very popular.


What Is Rough Amethyst?

Rough Amethyst is a type of quartz that comes in many colors. It has been popular since the beginning of time and is still one of the most popular gemstones today. Most rough amethyst will have a bluish color, but it can also be a clear color. This color can be deep purple, cherry red, or bright royal blue. Throughout the years, many different methods have been used to obtain rough amethyst. The most common of these is mining. This method can result in a wide variety of colors and patterns within each piece which it’s nice because you could get them with similar hues or look for one that has particular characteristic features.

Another way to achieve this effect would be through cutting techniques, such as slabbing or sawing so that all the crystal faces line up perfectly (this is called faceting). Lines are etched into either side along with deep grooves cut around every facet so that even light that hasn’t traveled far enough to get under the facets can still be reflected.

In modern times, rough amethyst is usually made by slicing off a crystal and polishing it to create gemstone jewelry which sells for thousands of dollars at various specialty shops around the world. This labor-intensive method allows specimens consisting entirely or primarily of colorless (virgin) faceting spots from giant lopoliths found with no contacts on hand-sized material pieces sometimes containing several well-spaced small color zones each side boundary defined by three are larger compartments cut into full or incomplete crystal-faces to add them different colors of gems even if the original is white, colorless spots and too few at best.

Rough Amethyst Cut :

Cutting techniques are one of the most important aspects when it comes to selecting a gemstone. How someone cuts the stone can affect its value and usefulness as well as its appearance, color, clarity, and price point. In crude methods of cutting, the best ones can lead to some very interesting patterns being revealed. These rough-cut pieces often have a more varied mix of colors and shapes due to different cuts leaving it with many variations within one piece.

However, when you look at Facet cut specimens, they tend to be stronger (wear-resistant) even if their appearance is not as complicated. Confusingly this makes them cheaper since Technicians don't see so many faces in each stone.

Cutting rough amethyst requires care and skill due to the tricky nature of getting the best results from these stones.

The first step that needs to be taken is polishing since flaws in shape will adversely affect its appearance when cut into gemstones. If a piece has special attributes such as corundum coating (opal) or blue color change along with octahedral crystal faces, then cutting involves additional difficulty because it may require supporting facets at places accessed only by cutting through some other areas which are usually reserved for colored faceting spots on full-cut material gems like modern carved cabochons.

Next is tumbling, this process removes pesky inclusions and other flaws from the stone once cut which could result in undesirable coloring or spotty pattern formation overtime during storage as well as a rarer development of new types of color changes due to imperfections and impurities within crystalline structure (often referred to as facet anomalies). It can act like fine sandpaper on your pieces that have worn away some crystal faces leaving them looking darker than they originally were.

Rough Amethyst Colors :

Amethyst color is formed naturally in the stone when it is mined. Inclusions and other impurities do not affect its quality or appearance and are extremely rare (at least two decades ago before synthetics were used in manufacturing products).

The most common amethyst colors found within natural form include lavender with a purplish-pink, purple, pale violet to nearly white. Another less-favorable gemstone-like greenish-blue tint is called Prussian blue as well as Catseye which comes from star-shaped flaws of lines so fine few can see them under a magnifying glass although many people have seen them. Overall, amethyst color is rated as desirable or not useful in the jewelry industry due to its rarity and potential for impurities

As with other gems, there are a lot of custom manufacturing methods available for synthetics to produce synthetic rough Amethyst gems using natural A form material that can be cut into sophisticated cuts like faceted cabochons if so desired.

Rough Amethyst Localities:

Egypt, Sri Lanka, East Africa, and The Nubian Desert in the sub-Sahara African desert are currently several known sources for natural amethyst to occur naturally. Amethyst is one of the most commonly found onyx varieties, however, it is still not very heavily used or mined. It occurs in a wide variety of colors that are similar to various shades ranging from purple, blue, and green with black being rarest. common as a semi-precious gemstone but has utility value due to its durability, hardness, color absence in birefringence, and an easily recrystallized feature thus able to be cut into different shapes like cabochons for more practical purposes such as knitting and craft work applications. The type known as amethyst is present widely in many cutters onyx jewelry such as rings, pendants, and combs.

Identification of Synthetic Rough Amethyst :

Most synthetic rough amethyst is poorly made using basalt (a volcanic rock) instead of real crystal under the name- "amethyst". Examine vertically oriented beads for a spot where one color has been replaced with another. You can distinguish them from natural stones because their colors still exist in subtle shades, unlike synthetic corundum or quartz which may be sold as natural colored amethysts. A side-by-side comparison is essential to identify low-quality roughs and fake ones. Be careful - glass is not clear but it does present different qualities like fine sandpaper that causes marked differences on rough stones. You can't stretch a fake amethyst to see its interior and you will only get the look of Crystallized or Mined Amethyst- whose colors are not present in Synthetic materials -which suggests it's artificial. What you want to do is test the quality of a specific single piece by comparing it with some naturally colored crystals.

Point to Look in Rough Amethyst :

The most important fact is the number of layers that are formed on the stone which provides key information to identifying any piece. Layers can be visible or visually hard to detect, if you cannot just appreciate them with your eyes instead use a magnifying glass and various jewelry appraisal guides so that you know what some pieces would cost at retail stores like local rock shops or wholesale suppliers' websites.

Price Determination Of Rough Amethyst :

Rough stones commonly range between $30 to $450 depending on size (8 inches up to 12inches) cut into various shapes good artists are selling their work at around 200-300 per carat high-quality pieces in sizes above 8" can sell higher but usually only under 500 a carat otherwise they would fetch lesser prices since there is more labor involved in carving, polishing, mounting and setting the stones into jewelry.

Another expensive part of amethyst rough is setting, mounting, and polishing none of them can be avoided although software program like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop makes it easy to drag images on artboards with different shapes making experimenting easier while drawing designs often used as demo images for customers who come asking jewelers about what they are doing wrong in terms o the jewelry industry- an important feature when dealing with custom pieces that you may have never seen before but aren't able to answer all customer questions related to gemstones selection, looking online some times you collect a lot of knowledge impressions and get some good ideas when it comes to rough amethyst setting and polishing the main information you need is how to cut the stone.


Valuable :

Well, it is known as a gemstone but it doesn't sell at all. The main reason why amethyst roughs are valued less than other types of stones like opal and then some is the fact that jewelers try to avoid meticulous work when cutting them because people think they would break if cut abruptly so instead you get synthetic options that don't take too much time or effort from your part furthermore buying such diamonds in larger sizes often have shape flaws making polishing difficult similar thing happens with jasper but these materials command lower prices since no one puts any extra value into them, unlike rough amethyst which is a lovely semi-precious and not just that - it is often used in jewelry making if you buy some pieces of rough or polished jewelry because they have flaws.

Health Benefits Of Using Rough Amethyst :

Rough amethyst is superb at restoring depleted cells, due to reduced blood flow during rest periods in the human body.

it yanks impurities that might be in your skin or energy blockages from the aura back into regular circulation thus creating a natural glow that helps boost ones well being one other very unique thing about rough amethyst is its ability to cleanse and purify your environment of negative thought patterns and emotions giving off an incredibly positive vibe this increases personal power if used regularly the downside with using rough amethyst effectively on yourself though sometimes can be dizziness, headaches, and nausea.

You need to be careful with this gemstone otherwise it will overcharge you and take the energy away from your body giving you a severe nutritional deficiency.

Another great use of rough amethyst is in healing crystals during Ashaman ceremonies which involve chanting mantras, meditation, and deep breathing.

This crystal can provide deep relaxation while opening chakras, especially those located near the third eye or crown chakra.  using these raw Amethysts will help facilitate one conscious state but if not properly treated using them as an essential oil could begin to harm someone so I highly recommend finding a good grade of regular or even laboratory cut rough amethyst which is much better to use for you not only to benefit from the energies but also be protected it has been said by some healers that polished Amethysts are more effective than natural ones as they are a stone of purity and remove negativity.

Use raw Amethysts on your skin either with essential oils or add them into lotions, shower gels body scrubs, or facial packs to help purify your negative emotions without wiping out all of the vital information stored deep within each cell, in addition, to its rich red that's very healing to the physical body can increase your state of wellbeing and spiritual consciousness by radiating vibrational frequencies through its crystalline structure.

Not only are Amethysts a great stone for enhancing psychic abilities they also strengthen all energy fields in the subtle bodies creating high vibrations which help re-aligning chakras, balance emotions, increase one inner peace as well as cleanse negative thought patterns so using amethyst or adding it into crystals foot baths ensures an energetic response from our whole physical make upbringing about clarity deep intuition helping us to push further boundaries after being released from darkness.

Care Of Rough Amethyst :

Amethyst stones tend to benefit from cleaning with an ultrasonic cleaner or a bath in purified water.

There are many different ways of caring for rough amethyst jewelry but make sure that you have it professionally cleaned at least once a year to check the clarity and condition if not done so in your routine then let me explain some differences between natural and lab cut Amethysts they are slightly different when worn either naked or covered by jewelry during sleep use chakras tuners such as salt baths, sponging clear quartz crystals fiber smudging crystals into our body while clearing any blockages even a simple saltwater bath.

Never wear rough amethyst jewelry outside or around water it is just not recommended as they have an extreme risk of damage when worn in the rain, under all circumstances avoid swimming with rough Amethysts because they tend to absorb negative energies, especially during cleansing processes and once your chakras are blocked try shaking out the energy toxins that cling onto them by holding the Amethyst over sunlight.

Why Buy Rough Amethyst From Noble Gemstones?

If you're looking for high-quality rough amethyst, look no further than Noble Gemstones. Our selection of rough amethyst is the best in the business, and we're dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible experience. We offer a wide variety of colors and cuts, so you can find the perfect piece of amethyst for your needs. We also provide expert guidance and support throughout the buying process, so you can be sure that you're getting the most out of your purchase.

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