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607 products

NOBLE GEMSTONES is an online loose and rough gemstone store that provides and deliver the best quality valuable rough gemstones for sale in bulk or lots, rough gemstones for tumbling, precious rough gemstones, raw gemstones for making jewelry, rough gemstones for faceting and other different qualities of rough gemstones for other lapidary related activities to gemstone buyers. Our rough gemstones are completely natural in their raw state. They are not being treated. For collectors, we also offer 100% real rough gemstones and rocks. If a gemstone is treated with heat or another method, the type of gem treatment is noted in the product description. However, because we gather our gemstones straight from the mine from different countries i-e Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Africa, Thailand, and Cambodia, that's why you are purchasing 100% natural gemstones from us. 

What are Rough Gemstones / Raw Gemstones

A rough stone or raw gemstone is a gemstone in its natural state that has not yet been polished, faceted, cabbed, carved, tumbled, or cut. They will be just as Mother Nature created them. Noble Gemstones is the best place where to buy natural rough gemstone.

How Can We Evaluate Rough Gemstones?

Rough gemstones are typically evaluated based on their colour, shape, size, and clarity, which are all desirable characteristics in rough gemstones. You want to see colour, clarity, and size if you are faceted. If you are manufacturing gemstones on an industrial scale in the form of tumbling, cabbing, or carving, you will focus on colour and size, but supply and consistency will be your main priority. The NOBLE GEMSTONES provides a facet-grade diversity of rough gemstones on sale as well as a commercial-grade quantity of stones with a continuous supply chain. We provide rough precious gemstones, rough synthetic gemstones Worldwide.

Rough gemstones for sale on NOBLE GEMSTONES include natural rough zambian and swat emeralds, Pakistan rough peridots, Afghanistan and africa rough Tourmaline, Different varieties rough Aquamarine, Rough Topaz, rough Garnets, Rough Citrine, Rough Amethyst.

Rough Gemstones usually displays different uneven colors because of these factors :

  1. Color zoning
  2. Sectoral color distribution
  3. Irradiation Factor

Color zoning of rough gemstones

Color differences can occur as a result of chemical and physical changes in the surroundings during crystal formation. The most prevalent cause is chromophore element variation, which results in greater or less intense colour in different growth zones of the same crystal. Color zoning in raw gemstones corresponds to varied saturations of the same colour. Color zones can be observed with the naked eye or only under a microscope; colour zoning can be broad or narrow. As a result of differential development velocity on distinct crystal faces, they can be uniformly created in all directions or have extremely varied thicknesses depending on crystallographic orientation.

Uneven colour distribution frequently has a significant impact on crystal value or quality characteristics, and cutters strive to avoid colour zoning evident from the crown. However, colour zoning can be quite advantageous for some stones, such as tourmaline, when two or more different colours are clearly evident.

The sectoral color distribution of rough gems

The growth sector can be described as a pyramid during the early phases of crystal formation, with the base matching to the crystal face and the apex in the crystal's centre. However, due to variations in crystal habit, the morphologies of growth sectors are more intricate in most cases. Varying developing stages in a crystal structure have different capacities for impurity consolidation. As a result, growth sectors created by crystals typically have somewhat varying chemical compositions, resulting in changes in physical qualities such as colour and refractive indices.

Many gems exhibit a phenomenon known as sectorial colour distribution. It is also responsible for a unique gem variation known as ametrine, in which the same quartz, amethyst, and citrine colours can be found in various growth sectors. Surprisingly, colour zoning is a process allowing the creation of two different colours within the same crystal in synthetic rough ametrine.

Irradiation Factor of rough gemstones

Irradiation is another of the most common gemstone treatments, and it is used on a wide range of rough jewels to generate or increase their colour.

Natural irradiation frequently results in non-homogeneous colouring because specific sections of the crystal may remain closer to the source of irradiation.

Green sports on some diamond crystals, for example, or black halos around uranium and thorium minerals contained within quartz crystals are examples.

Ionizing radiation of various forms can cause the formation of optically active centres in minerals, causing them to change colour. Blue topaz, green diamonds, smoky quartzes, and other naturally occurring minerals are the result of radioactive decay in mineral deposits. The penetrating capability of various forms of radiation varies greatly. Gamma rays and neutrons, for example, travel easily through big crystals and offer homogeneous colour dispersion. When beta rays are utilised for diamond treatment, they only penetrate to a very shallow depth in minerals, resulting in colour concentrations in a very thin layer close to the surface, usually on the pavilion.

How Faceting Rough Gemstone Look Like: 

In general, you desire a "rounded" or "blocky" faceting raw gemstone.

Shapes that are flat or twisted Rough gemstones with deep dips or valleys will produce poor results.

Rough Gemstone Sizes :

Everyone has an opinion on the rough gem size. Facet rough gemstones dealers would frequently claim that a 2-carat rough gemstone will yield a 1-carat gemstone. Furthermore, some cutters would claim such achievements on a regular basis, but any cutter who keeps weight records knows the truth.

The industry standard for commercial rough cutting is a 20% yield, which means that an 80 percent weight loss is usual. You won't go far wrong if you keep this in mind. If you desire a 1-carat gemstone, you should get a facet raw stone weighing at least 5 carats. This is critical in understanding what to expect from your rough gemstone faceting.

Clarity of Rough Gemstones:

You desire a flawless rough stone that is "clean" of any inclusions. Flaws are cracks, open cleavages, or other defects that damage not just the beauty but also the structure of a gemstone. A defect that penetrates the surface of a stone is extremely dangerous since it obstructs light both externally and inwardly. A flawlessly clean raw or rough gemstone is difficult to come by and is not always the goal. The goal is to improve the overall presentation and beauty of a gemstone; faults and inclusions are things we prefer to avoid in the purchase or eliminate during the cutting process.


We gather our rough gemstones straight from the mine from different countries i-e Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Africa, Thailand, and Cambodia, that's why you are purchasing 100% natural gemstones from us. 

Noble Gemstones Is the best source where you can buy rough gemstones online. We provide natural, top-notch quality, precious, semi-precious, synthetic, certified raw gemstones.



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